CV Dr Florence Delie


Dr Florence Delie

ISPSO — School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Geneva
1, rue Michel-Servet
CH-1211 Geneva 4

+41 22 379 65 73

Florence Delie, Pharm.D., Ph.D. is currently a researcher and lecturer (MER) at the University of Geneva.

Florence Delie is a pharmacist and received her Ph. D. degree in 1992 from the Paris Sud University (Pr. Patrick Couvreur's lab). Her Ph.D. work focused on oral administration of a peptide. She then spent 5 years working in the industry (BYK France, Le Mée sur Seine, F and the Department of Pharmaceutical R & D - Drug Delivery Group at Genentech, Inc., USA).

I am a group leader at the University of Geneva since 2002. My research interests focus on the development of drug delivery systems based on polymeric particles for the encapsulation of different therapeutic compounds for customized site delivery and tailoring release kinetic profiles.

I supervise master students from Geneva University as well as Universities abroad, I have co-supervised several PhD thesis as well as post-doctoral fellows. I have scientific collaborations in Switzerland as well as abroad (Italy, Greece, France, Spain, and Cameroun).

I have an h-index of 24 and I authored and co-authored more than 50 peer-reviewed publications.

I am directly involved in the invention and early development of a biphasic drug delivery system associating a gel and polymeric microparticles for the prevention of vascular graft failure.