Thesis completed


  • September

    • Marija Petrovic
      Design of STING ligand nanoparticles for improved cold cancer immunotherapy

      University of Geneva, thesis N° 5696, September 2021
      Director: Prof G. BORCHARD
      Co-director: Dr. O. JORDAN

  • May

    • Joël Brunner
      Unravelling the modulation of tight junctions: Molecular mechanisms and permeation enhancement

      University of Geneva, thesis N° 158, May 2022
      Director: Prof G. BORCHARD


  • December

    • Franck MARQUET
      Synthesis and Characterization of Triblock Copolymeric Micelles for siRNA Delivery to NSCLC Cells

      University of Geneva, thesis n° 137, December 2021
      Director: Prof G. BORCHARD
      Co-director: Dr. M. MOELLER

    • Céline LEMOINE
      Towards single-dose pandemic influenza vaccines: Investigating delayed release and adjuvanted approaches in the context of technology transfer to Indonesia”

      University of Geneva, thesis N° 118, September 2021
      Director: Prof G. BORCHARD
      Co-director: Dr. C. BARNIER-QUER

  • February

      Intra-articular sustained release carriers for osteoarthritis management: formulation and bioactivity evaluation studies

      University of Geneva, thesis N° 5546, February 2021
      Director: Prof E. ALLEMANN
      Co-director: Dr. O. JORDAN


  • October

    • Stella-Saphira MAUDENS
      Theranostic Nanoparticles for Detection and Targeted Therapy of Prostate Cancer and Lymph Node Metastases

      University of Geneva, thesis N° 5273, October 2018
      Director: Prof G. BORCHARD, Dr. O. JORDAN

  • January

    • Tiziana DI FRANCESCO
      Non-Biological Complex Drugs (NBCDs): Evaluation of Critical Quality Attributes of Iron Sucrose and Iron Polymaltose

      University of Geneva, thesis N° 5176, January 2018
      Director: Prof G. BORCHARD

    • Floriane GROELL
      Therapeutic protein aggregates: biophysical characterization and in vitro modelisation of subcutaneous tissue

      University of Geneva, thesis N° 5172, January 2018
      Director: Prof G. BORCHARD
      Co-director: Dr. O. JORDAN


  • December

    • Pierre Marc Xavier MAUDENS
      Drug delivery based on nanostructured microparticles and hydrogels for intra-articular treatment of osteoarthritis

      University of Geneva, thesis N° 5161, December 2017
      Director: Prof E. ALLEMANN
      Co-director: Dr. O. JORDAN

  • May

    • Sakhtikumar RAGUPATHY
      Modulation of epithelial tight junctions for barrier protection and drug delivery

      University of Geneva, thesis N° 5075, May 2017
      Director: Prof G. BORCHARD
      Co-director: Dr. O. JORDAN

  • March

    • Ioanna MYLONAKI
      Sustained release systems for the perivascular administration of atorvastatin to prevent vein graft failure

      University of Geneva, thesis N° 5057, March 2017
      Director: Dr. F. DELIE-SALMON
      Co-director: Dr. O. JORDAN


  • October

    • Katrin FUCHS
      Anti-angiogenic strategies for chemoembolization of liver tumors

      University of Geneva, thesis N° 5010, October 2016
      Director: Prof G. BORCHARD
      Co-director: Dr. O. JORDAN

  • February

    • Christian REICHERT
      Non-covalent PEGylation of therapeutic proteins

      University of Geneva, thesis N° 4899, February 2016
      Director: Prof G. BORCHARD


  • December

    • Viorica PATRULEA
      Medical and environmental application of chitosan

      University of Geneva, thesis N° 4862, December 2015
      Director: Prof G. BORCHARD, UniGe, Prof V. OSTAFE, West University of Timisoara, Romania

  • November

    • Omar Shoukry SAKR
      Layer-by-Layer (LbL) coatings for controlled delivery of biologicals

      University of Geneva, thesis N° 4874, November 2015
      Director: Prof G. BORCHARD
      Co-director: Dr. O. JORDAN

  • September

    • Johanna POECHEIM
      Adjuvanted trimethyl chitosan based nanoparticle formulations to improve immunogenicity of DNA vaccines

      University of Geneva, thesis N° 4909, September 2015
      Director: Prof G. BORCHARD


  • December

    • Gaelle VACHER
      Oral thin films (OTF) for virosomal vaccines.

      University of Geneva, thesis n° 4515
      Director: Prof G. BORCHARD
      Co-director: Prof R. GURNY

  • October

    • Annasara HANSSON
      Development and In vitro Evaluation of an RGD-Functionalized Chitosan Derivative for Wound Healing

      University of Geneva, University of Lyon, thèse 4498, October 2012
      Director: Prof G. BORCHARD, Dr. O. JORDAN, Dr. F. FALSON, Dr. P.ROUSSELLE

  • April

    • Emmanuel David BENOIT
      Sécurisation du processus médicamenteux aux soins intensifs par les activités de pharmacie clinique hospitalière

      University of Geneva, these N° 4413, April 2012
      Director: Prof G. Borchard, Dr. J. Beney


  • September

    • Pol-Edern LE RENARD
      Injectable formulations forming an implant in situ as vehicle of silica microparticles embedding superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for the local, magnetically mediated hyperthermia treatment of solid tumors.

      University of Geneva, thesis n° 4346, 2011
      Director: Prof. E. DOELKER
      Co-director: Dr. O. JORDAN

  • May

    • Claudia MUELLER
      Development of novel PEGylation approaches based on non-covalent interactions.

      University of Genève, thesis n° 4294
      Director: Prof G. BORCHARD


  • June

    • Simon HEUKING
      Toll-like receptor agonist decorated chitosan nanoparticles for pulmonary DNA vaccination

      University of Geneva, thesis N°4242, June 2010

  • February

    • Ludmila LUCA
      Injectable hydrogel carriers for the delivery of exo- and endogenous growth factors for bone regeneration

      University of Geneva, thesis N° 4233, February 2010
      Director: Prof R. GURNY, Dr. O. JORDAN


  • June

    • Myriam TROCCAZ
      The biosynthetic pathway of sulfur-containing molecules in Human Axillary Malodor: from precursors to odorous volatiles

      University of Geneva, thesis N° 4102, June 2009

  • February

    • Nicoleta BUTOESCU
      Novel approach for intra-articular drug delivery : magnetically retainable biodegradable microparticles

      University of Geneva, thesis N° 4061, February 2009
      Director: Prof. E. DOELKER, DR. O. JORDAN