Archieved news


  • Welcome to Mathis Fiault who joins our team as a PhD student (collaboration with Serge Rudaz)
  • Our recent review article on multidrug combinations delivery is published in Journal of  Controlled Relsease:
  • Our recent collaborative research is published in Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research (open access): Featuring press release:
  • Welcome to Jakub GUBALA who joins our team as a doctoral student
  • Fundation Valery supports our research
  • Congratulations to George M. Ramzy who defended his PhD work on 27 January 2023. George continues his adventure with us as a postdoctoral fellow.
  • The project of George M. Ramzy selected in the program between the Faculty of Science and the HEAD-Geneva, University of Art and Design for artistic representation of his scientific results.
  • Welcome to Valentin Benboubker who joins us as a postdoctoral fellow and Liloz Moftizadeh - a master student.



  • Magdalena Rausch defends her PhD thesis - congratulations!
  • Magdalena Rausch is a finalist of a Booster Prize 2020 competition - congratulations! The Booster sheds light on and raise funds for PhD thesis projects in biomedical sciences at the University of Geneva. Magdalena explains:
  • Magdalena Rausch wins SSEP poster prize  for the best poster related to Pharmacology, worth 500CHF at the LS2 2021 conference - congratulations!
  • Yuan Petermann wins the Scientific Image Contest during the virtual lab retreat 2021!
  • Swiss Cancer League and Geneva Cancer League support our research
  • Swiss National Science Foundation supports our research 
  • Prof. Patrycja Nowak-Sliwinska awarded with the 3R UNIGE 2020 prize