Les travaux suivants ont été publiés ou présentés en lien avec le centre spécialisé de pharmacie d’urgence et de catastrophe:
Bartelink IH, Bet PM, Widmer N, Guidi M, Duijvelaar E, Grob B, Honeywell R, Evelo A, Tielbeek IPE, Snape SD, Hamer H, Decosterd LA, Jan Bogaard H, Aman J, Swart EL. Elevated acute phase proteins affect pharmacokinetics in COVID-19 trials: Lessons from the CounterCOVID - imatinib study. CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology 2021; 10(12): 1497-1511.
Schumacher L, Berthaudin F, Blanc AL, Blatrie C, Staines A, Bonnabry P, Widmer N. Using risk analysis to ensure patients' medication safety during hospital relocations and evacuations. Eur J Hosp Pharm 2021; 28(Suppl 2): s171-s179.
Widmer N, Abbet C, Brunner J, Faro Barros J, Ullmann S, Beeler C, Hug B, Reichert C, Bättig VAD, Caglioti G, Flück M, Moll H, Herklotz R. Swiss Armed Forces deployment during the COVID-19 pandemic: militia pharmacy officers' roles and duties. BMJ Mil Health 2021; 167(2): 141.
Schumacher L, Bonnabry P, Widmer N. Emergency and disaster preparedness of european hospital pharmacists: A survey. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 2021; 15(1): 25-33.
Schumacher L, Blatrie C, Krähenbühl S, Pasteur C, Blanc A-L, Pellaton C, Bonnabry P, Rouiller F, Widmer N. Gestion de la pandémie COVID-19 en Suisse: Rôles et défis d’une pharmacie interhospitalière. Médecine de Catastrophe - Urgences Collectives 2020; 4(3): 223-232.
Widmer N, Schumacher L, Meister T, Krähenbühl J-M, Mühlebach S, Bonnabry P et al. Pharmacie d’urgence et de catastrophe : Un centre spécialisé voit le jour en Suisse. PharmaJournal. 2017(15):10-6.
Pesenti F, Blanc A, Mühlebach S, Bonnabry P, Widmer N. Réponse pharmaceutique aux situations sanitaires extraordinaires en milieu hospitalier. Swiss Review of Military and Disaster Medicine. 2015(2):43-7.
Oliveira Alves S, Cornaz E, Schumacher L, Piol N, Widmer N, Blatrie C. Centre de vaccination de masse: Implication des assistantes en pharmacie. Congrès GSASA; 11-12 novembre 2021; Lugano, Suisse.
Schumacher L, Dhif Y, Bonnabry P, Widmer N. Management of the COVID-19 health crisis: a survey in Swiss hospital pharmacies. Congrès GSASA; 26-27 novembre 2020; Digital.
Widmer N, Abbet C, Brunner J, Faro Barros J, Ullmann S, Beeler C, Hug B, Reichert C, Bättig VAD, Caglioti G, Flück M, Moll H, Herklotz R. Militia pharmacy officers’ roles in the Swiss Armed Forces during the COVID-19 pandemic. Congrès GSASA; 26-27 novembre 2020; Digital.
Schumacher L, Blatrie C, Krähenbühl S, Pasteur C, Blanc A-L, Pellaton C, Rouiller F, Widmer N. Roles and challenges of a Swiss hospital pharmacy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Congrès GSASA; 26-27 novembre 2020; Digital.
Blanc Kaveh A-L, Schumacher L, Dobrinas-Bonnazi M, Widmer N. Activités de pharmacie clinique et d’assistance pharmaceutique durant la crise COVID-19. Congrès GSASA; 26-27 novembre 2020; Digital.
Schumacher L, Senhaji S, Gartner BA, Carrez L, Dupuis A, Bonnabry P, Widmer N. Multicenter full-scale simulations in hospital pharmacies to improve disaster preparedness. International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Virtual 2020; 4-25 septembre 2020.
Widmer N, Abbet C, Brunner J, Faro Barros J, Ullmann S, Beeler C, Hug B, Reichert C, Bättig VAD, Caglioti G, Flück M, Herklotz R. Militia pharmacy officers’ roles in the Swiss Armed Forces during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Virtual 2020; 4-25 septembre 2020.
Schumacher L, Berthaudin F, Blanc A-L, Blatrie C, Staines A, Bonnabry P, Widmer N. Guaranteeing patient safety during hospital move and evacuation through prospective risk analysis. 22èmes Journées Franco-Suisses de Pharmacie Hospitalière; 5-6 décembre 2019; Lausanne, Suisse.
Schumacher L, Berthaudin F, Blanc A-L, Blatrie C, Staines A, Bonnabry P, Widmer N. Using FMECA to improve patient safety during hospital moves and evacuations. 79th International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences; 22-26 september 2019; Abu Dhabi, Émirats arabes unis.
Schumacher L, Bonnabry P, Widmer N. Emergency and disaster: How are hospital pharmacies prepared in Europe? 24th EAHP Congress; 27-29 mars 2019; Barcelone, Espagne.
Schumacher L, Bonnabry P, Widmer N. Situation d’urgence et de catastrophe, Sommes-nous prêts? Congrès GSASA; 15-16 septembre 2018; Fribourg, Suisse.
Schumacher L, Bonnabry P, Widmer N. Emergency and disaster: How are hospital pharmacies prepared in Europe ? 78th International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences; 2-6 septembre 2018; Glasgow, Ecosse.
Pesenti F, Blanc A, Mühlebach S, Bonnabry P, Widmer N. Role of hospital pharmacy in response to emergencies or disasters. 75th International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences; 29 septembre-3 octobre 2015; Düsseldorf, Allemagne.
Krähenbühl J-M, Kurmann P, Hürlimann P, Cecconi M, Guillod Y, Friggeri C, Freudweiler M, Widmer N. A survey on the enlistment of pharmacists in a hospital battalion of the Swiss Armed Forces. World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2012 FIP Centennial Congress; 3-8 octobre 2012; Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.
Communications orales
Schumacher L, Senhaji S, Gartner BA, Carrez L, Dupuis A, Bonnabry P, Widmer N. Multicenter full-scale simulations in hospital pharmacies to improve disaster preparedness. Congrès GSASA; 26-27 novembre 2020; Digital.
Schumacher L, Blatrie C, Krähenbühl S, Pasteur C, Blanc A-L, Pellaton C, Rouiller F, Widmer N. Roles and challenges of a Swiss hospital pharmacy during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Virtual 2020; 4-25 septembre 2020.
Schumacher L, Berthaudin F, Blanc A-L, Blatrie C, Staines A, Bonnabry P, Widmer N. Improving patient safety during hospital evacuation through FMECA prospective risk analysis. 43ème Congrès Mondial de Médecine militaire 2019; 19-24 mai 2019; Bâle, Suisse.
Widmer N, Buyle F. The role of the hospital pharmacist in disaster management – are we prepared? 26th EAHP Congress; 23-25 mars 2022; Vienne, Autriche.
Schumacher L, Widmer N. Témoignage: Organisation des secours en Suisse. 8èmes Journées Universitaires du Service de Santé et Secours Médical (SSSM); 14-15 novembre 2019; Besançon, France.
Schumacher L, Widmer N, Bonnabry P. Gestion pharmaceutique en cas de crise. Cours suisse de chirurgie de guerre et de catastrophe. 18-19 septembre 2019; Genève, Suisse
Widmer N. Improving training and research in military and disaster pharmacy. 43ème Congrès Mondial de Médecine militaire 2019; 19-24 mai 2019; Bâle, Suisse.
Lampert M. Education and training for military pharmacists: the Swiss model of a civil-military cooperation. 5th ICMM Pan European Congress on Military Medicine; 17-20 septembre 2018; Varsovie, Pologne.
Widmer N. Center for Emergency and Disaster Pharmacy: Training and research. 78th International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences; 2-6 septembre 2018; Glasgow, Ecosse.