
  • December 2021 – Swiss National Science Foundation – “Implementation of a new model of care for supporting adherence in people starting a new medication for a long-term condition (myCare Start project) - An implementation-effectiveness science study”

  • October 2020 – COST Action, CA19132, European Network to Advance Best practices & technoLogy on medication adherence (ENABLE) - Swiss representative along with Pr. Sabina de Geest, University of Basel.

  • November 2018 – Swiss Federal Public Health Office – ‘Patient-perceived contradictions on prescribed medicines and search for methods for improvement’ study

  • June 2017 – Quality & Research fund from SANTÉSUISSE, CURAFUTURA ET PHARMASUISSE – ‘Medication adherence in diabetes and renal failure’ study

  • April 2017 – Swiss Cancer Research Foundation, Health Services Research – ‘Optimizing targeted anti-cancer therapies: from better medication adherence to individualized treatments’ study