Biomedical and metabolomic analysis, Pharmaceutical Analysis


The Analytical Sciences entity comprises the group of pharmaceutical analysis and the group of biomedical analysis and metabolomics analyses. These groups specialize in various activities, from the analysis of drugs to the processing of more complex data.

Icon Pharmaceutical Analysis

The group focuses on the fundamental aspects of separation techniques in liquid and supercritical phases. The main activities are related to the analysis of drugs, illegal substances and doping agents, with special attention to the analytical characterization of biopharmaceuticals.

Icon Biomedical and Metabolomic Analysis

The group is developing new strategies for untargeted metabolomics analyses and specializes in the analysis of low molecular weight compounds in biological matrices. Since 2010, the group also focus on developing chemometric approaches dedicated to the analysis of data produced by MS couplings, including capillary electrophoresis. Aspects of dimensionality reduction and multi-table analysis are addressed through collaborative projects in the fields of toxicology, biology, biochemistry, and pharmacology).