About Prof Kalia

Professor Yogeshvar N. Kalia is a full professor at the University of Geneva.

After a B.Sc. (Hons.) degree in Chemistry, he obtained a Ph.D. in physical chemistry (speciality: development of enzyme electrodes) at the Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine, UK. The main focus of the research was the development of enzyme electrodes and an investigation into the mechanisms of electron transfer at the enzyme-electrode interface. This was followed by a three year postdoctoral fellowship in the Dept. of Biochemistry at the University of Cambridge (speciality: protein structure determination); two-dimensional NMR techniques were used to determine the structure of a protein subunit-binding domain. Since 1994, he has worked in biopharmaceutics (speciality: transdermal drug delivery), first at the University of California - San Francisco and since 1997 at the University of Geneva.

He has published 190 papers with 109 as corresponding author – (i) Scopus, h-index 57 and 11,111 citations, (ii) Google Scholar, h-index 65 and 15,764 total citations – 21 book chapters and ~220 communications at national / international conferences and I am a co-inventor on 7 patents.. He serves on the Editorial Boards of the European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutics, Sci, and Scientia Pharmaceutica.

Education details


B.Sc. Hons. (First Class) in Chemistry

ARCS (Associateship of the Royal College of Science)
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine; University of London, UK


Ph.D. & DIC (Diploma of Imperial College)

Department of Chemistry; Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine; University of London, UK
Project: "Development of Enzyme Electrodes" (Advisor: Prof. W.J. Albery FRS)
  • Development of biosensors using conducting organic salt enzyme electrodes.
  • Multienzyme-electrochemical sensors for measuring sucrose, xanthine/hypoxanthine and creatine.
  • Elucidation of the mechanism of action of conducting organic salt enzyme electrodes by using electrochemical methods including rotating disk and ring/disk techniques, chronoamperometry, cyclic voltammetry and impedance spectroscopy.

Career details


Postdoctoral Research Associate

Cambridge Centre for Molecular Recognition, Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, UK
  • Determination of the three-dimensional structure (using 2D-NMR and simulated annealing) of the dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase(E3)/pyruvate decarboxylase (E1p) binding domain from the pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex from Bacillus stearothermophilus.


Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Departments of Biopharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of California – San Francisco, USA
  • Characterization of molecular transport across the skin in vivo: Low frequency impedance spectroscopy and transepidermal water loss used to investigate water diffusion across human skin in vivo and to show that the structurally heterogeneous stratum corneum behaves as a homogenous barrier to water transport.
  • Structure-transport relationships governing iontophoretic drug delivery: LHRH analogs used as model oligopeptides to identify structural motifs that modulate drug delivery.
  • Effects of iontophoresis on human skin in vivo: Low frequency skin impedance spectroscopy used to establish the effect of iontophoresis and the interaction between chemical and electrical methods of enhancing drug delivery in human skin in vivo.
  • Assessment of skin barrier development in premature infants (Clinical study with the Intensive Care Unit at Children's Hospital Oakland): Impedance spectroscopy and transepidermal water loss measurements used to investigate the development of barrier function in low birth weight neonates in vivo.


Maître Assistant

Section de Pharmacie, Université de Genève
  • Structure-transport relationships in iontophoresis: Identification of key experimental parameters and structure-transport relationships governing iontophoretic transdermal drug administration.
  • Evaluation and optimization of topical drug bioavailability in vivo: Non-invasive biophysical techniques (low frequency impedance spectroscopy, transepidermal water loss, attenuated total reflectance Fourier Transform infra-red spectroscopy) used in conjunction with tape-stripping methodology to evaluate the effect of drug formulation on skin barrier function and drug permeability and to assess topical drug bioavailability of lipophilic molecules.
  • Modeling transdermal drug delivery: Development of mathematical models to calculate diffusion parameters describing drug transport across the skin in vivo.
  • Sonophoresis: Assessment of the effects and mechanisms underlying sonophoretic enhancement of transdermal delivery.
  • Development of drug delivery technologies for premature neonates: Development of barrier models to mimic the impaired skin barrier function in premature neonates and hence optimize drug delivery and noninvasive clinical monitoring in this population.


Maître d’Enseignement et de Recherche

(Senior Lecturer)
Section des Sciences Pharmaceutiques, Université de Genève
  • Develop new formulations to increase local and systemic bioavailability of topical and transdermal therapeutics: The aim is to investigate alternatives to exisitng patch-based dosage forms and to explore the potential applications of "nanotechology" to improve delivery of pharmaceuticals and cosmeceuticals into and across the skin.
  • Investigate new technologies for the non- and minimally-invasive delivery of biotechnology derived therapeutics across the skin: Peptide and protein therapeutics are routinely administered parenterally. We have recently shown that it is possible to deliver intact, functional proteins non-invasively across the skin (Cytochrome c and Ribonuclease A). A pioneering laser-based technology has been used to demonstrate the feasibility of delivering larger proteins (upto 70 kDa).
  • Determine the effect of molecular properties on transdermal iontophoretic delivery: The objective is to identify the effect of molecular properties and their spatial distribution on the iontophoretic transport of small molecules, peptides and proteins.
  • Synthesis and characterisation of prodrugs optimised for transdermal delivery: Chemically modified agents with improved physicochemical properties that facilitate transport across the skin.

Professeur Associé
(Associate Professor)
Section des Sciences Pharmaceutiques, Université de Genève
Main research interests:
  • Development of new formulations to increase local and systemic bioavailability of topical and transdermal therapeutics.
  • Investigation of the influence of physicochemical properties on electrically-assisted transport across the skin.
  • Synthesis and characterization of prodrugs optimized for transdermal iontophoretic administration.
  • Development of new techniques for the “needle-less” delivery of biotechnology-derived therapeutics across the skin (“pharmaceutical biotechnology”).
  • Investigation into the use of formulation and technology-based methods to improve buccal and ocular drug delivery.
  • Developing a physiological model for drug permeation in the gastrointestinal tract in vitro.