New paper on solving the solution structure of a G-quadruplex formed within promoters of plasmodium falciparum var genes

Published on 30.04.2024 07:34

In a collaboration with the Plavec group from the National Institute of Chemistry of Slovenia, initiated over 10 years ago, we unveil the solution structure of G-quadruplexes formed in the promoters of Plasmodium Falciparum var genes. This 3+1 hybrid G-quadruplex exhibits a unique equilibrium between two structures, both stabilized by base stacking and non-canonical hydrogen bonding. Broadening of the typical G4definition is particularly important because long(er) loops could be flexible enough to form various types of interactions within the G4structure, as well as with other molecules in solution, making them an attractive target site for drug design. 240430 news var.jpg

Tags G-quadruplex structural biology biophysics folding nucleic acids structure