
Mass Spectrometers

- Electrospray drift tube ion mobility Q-TOF (Agilent 6560)

High-resolution drift tube ion mobility spectrometry, electrospray ionization, Q-TOF. Mainly used to study folding in solution and in the gas phase in soft conditions and for structural investigation on supramolecular complexes. The drift tube is operated in Helium or Nitrogen.

- Electrospray quadrupole ion trap (Bruker AmaZon) modified for photodissociation and ion spectroscopy

Electrospray ionization, 3D ion trap modified and coupled to a tunable OPO laser (195 to 2000 nm) pumped by a spectra-physics Quanta-ray pro 230-30 (355 nm). The instrument is used to study nucleic acid folding in solution and in the gas phase in soft conditions, and for the fragmentation of small molecules and non-covalent complexes.


- UV-vis wavelength-tunable laser (GWU - Spectra Physics)

The light source is a Spectra Physics PRO-230-30 Nd:YAG laser (355 nm) pumping a GWU Premiscan OPO running at 30 Hz.

- UV-vis wavelength-tunable laser (Continuum)

Continuum Powerlite 8010 and Panther EX-plus OPO. High power nanosecond tunable pulsed laser from 215 to 2000 nm. Used to perform UVPD.

- Infrared CO2 continuous laser (Synrad)

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- Temperature-controlled nanoelectrospray source
Tags ion mobility mass spectrometry mass spectrometer ion spectroscopy electrospray lasers