April 2021

Published on 01.04.2021 08:28

The influence of skin barrier impairment on the iontophoretic transport of low and high molecular weight permeants.
Gratieri T, Zarhloule R, Dubey S, Kalia YN. Int J Pharm. 2021 Jun 1;602:120607. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2021.120607. Epub 2021 Apr 20.

Prof. Kalia and Dr. Lapteva were invited speakers at the “Quality & Equivalence of Topical Products & Nanotechnology Challenges” hybrid workshop (https://labhnn.com/workshop/) organised by Dr. Nathalie Hasler-Nguyen of Labhnn.

Prof. Kalia’s talk was entitled “Cutaneous Biodistribution: A New Tool for Formulation Development and the Assessment of Bioequivalence of Topical Dermatological Products” and Dr. Lapteva’s talk was entitled “Opportunities of Nanotechnology for Topical Dermal Medicines”.