Ex vivo models

> Skin

Porcine skin is an excellent model for human skin due to high structural and chemical similarities. We use porcine skin from pig ears obtained from a local abattoir in accordance with veterinary authorities.

We also have access to human skin which is obtained from Plastic surgeries performed in local hospitals with the approval of the Central Committee for Ethics in Research.

Porcine skin is used unprocessed (full thickness) or processed to obtain the desired thickness using Electrical / Air dermatomes (250 – 750 µm) or Thomas Stadie-Riggs slicer (750 -1500 µm). The permeation area is punched out so as to fit the diffusion cells

Porcine skin
Human skin
Air Dermatome
Air Dermatome

> Eye

Porcine eye is a very efficient anatomical model for the human eye due to high structural similarities. We use porcine eyes from pigs obtained from a local abattoir in accordance with veterinary authorities

Porcine eye

> GI tract

Living porcine intestine is used in ex vivo experiments to investigate human intestinal drug absorption. We have chosen porcine gut because it exhibits the highest similarities to human intestine compared to intestinal tissue from other animals. The intestinal tissue is obtained from local slaughterhouses in accordance with veterinary authorities.

Living porcine intestine

> Buccal mucosa

Porcine oesophagus has been demonstrated to be an excellent surrogate for human buccal mucosa. We use porcine oesophagus from pigs obtained from a local abattoir in accordance with veterinary authorities to investigate buccal drug delivery.

Porcine oesophagus