July 2018

Published on 01.07.2018 08:42

The following paper has been published from our group:

  • Hyaluronic Acid After Subcutaneous Injection-An Objective Assessment.
    Santer V, Molliard SG, Micheels P, Río-Sancho SD, Quinodoz P, Kalia YN, Salomon D.
    Dermatol Surg. 2018 Jul 9. doi: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000001609. [Epub ahead of print]

We also had a communication at the 18th European Congress on Biotechnology, July 1-4, 2018, Geneva, Switzerland.

  • Targeted cutaneous delivery of an anti-CD29 mAb for the topical treatment of psoriasis.
    M. Lapteva, S. del Río Sancho, E. Wu, W. S. Carbonell, C. Böhler, Y. N. Kalia

Prof. Kalia was a speaker at the Proteins & Peptides: Structure, Function & Biotechnology Meeting, July 23-26, 2018, Geneva, Switzerland.

  • Needle-less delivery of peptides and proteins into and across the skin: Creating new therapeutic opportunities