Equipment & Services


The Laboratory of Biopharmacy is equipped for research & development studies of pharmaceuticals, biopharmaceuticals and formulations. Besides analytical testing, our technical team, consisting of qualified experts in chemistry and pharmaceutical sciences, also advises on technical matters and performs customized services for pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.

Our equipments include :

  • Particle Size Determination by Laser Light Scattering and Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (Nanosizer ZS90, Mastersizer 3000)
  • Zeta-potential Measurement
  • Differential Scanning Calorimeters (DSC3 Mettler Toledo)
  • Rheometers (Haake Rheostress 1 and Mars)
  • Asymmetric Flow Field Flow Fractionation Device with RI/UV/LS detection (AF4)
  • Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC, GPC)
  • Gas Chromatography
  • HPLCs (Fluorescence, Absorption, Refraction)
  • UPLCs (Fluorescence, Absorption)
  • UV/Vis Spectrometers
  • Fluorescence Spectrometers
  • Multiplate Readers for Fluorescence/Absorption Spectroscoy
  • Real-Time PCR Detection System.
  • Protein electrophoresis Instrumentation (Bio-Rad).
  • Cytotoxic Glove Box Isolator I-[MaxPro]³
  • Dissolution Testers
  • Osmometers
  • Texture analyzer (TXT.TA, Stable microsystems)
  • Big Scale Thermostated Shakers
  • Big Scale Liophilizers
  • Spray Dryer
  • Microfluidics
  • Particle Size Determination by Laser Light Scattering and Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (Nanosizer ZS90, Mastersizer 3000, Amerigo)
  • Microfluidics (Precision Nanosystems)


The Laboratory of Biopharmaceutics consists of a highly interdisciplinary research team. Many collaborative research projects are established between groups in different departments, and between our laboratory and other academic institutions and the pharmaceutical industry, on a national and international level.

Besides our pure research activities, our laboratory provides quality research, development and small-scale production services at a competitive price to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.

With our state-of-the-art equipment we will be able to support you in a number of services including:

  • Formulation and pre-formulation work (physicochemical characterization, solubility,..)
  • Formulation stability testing (including proteins and peptides)
  • Nano and microparticles fabrication, size and zeta potential analysis (50 nm to 100 microns range)
  • Gas chromatography (residual solvent measurements)
  • Physical testing (texture analyzer)
  • Rheological characterization
  • Cell culture and cytotoxicity assays for compounds or materials
  • Lyophilisation of formulations